World Energy Efficiency Day at the Freixenet Group

The Freixenet Group’s commitment to the environment and sustainability is fundamental. We have been pioneers in reducing the environmental impacts of our activity through research and technological efficiency, that is, eco-innovation. In the energy field, we have carried out several measures to develop production processes more efficiently, improvements that we highlight today on the World Energy Efficiency Day.
One of the points with the highest energy consumption in the winery is the cooling of the tanks and, for this reason, a large part of the winery’s tanks are located inside the winery to avoid sudden changes in temperature and thus reduce the energy consumption levels. Following the same objective, the tanks that are not under cover have been insulated to protect them from temperature changes.
In addition, a large part of the cooling system groups have been replaced by groups with greater environmental efficiency and during 2021 the current diesel generators used in harvesting will be replaced by new ones using natural gas, a more sustainable source of energy. On the other hand, we have replaced a large part of the conventional lighting system with LED lighting, achieving a reduction in energy consumption of more than 50%
These new sustainable actions are in addition to other measures that we have been developing for years. For example, 100% of the energy that we buy from the Freixenet Group is green energy. In addition, we have meters per section linked to a control software in order to reduce the energy we use and we periodically carry out energy audits that allow us to establish important reduction and improvement objectives. Our goal is to continue setting sustainable development goals to be more respectful with the environment every day.