Freixenet presents its new campaign: “La vida es como la celebras”

- The campaign sets out to stress, now more than ever, the importance of celebrating and recognising the small moments in life
- As a part of the campaign there is a joint initiative with Spanish Food Banks through social media channels
Freixenet, the world leader in Cava, has today launched its new campaign: “La vida es como la celebras” (“Life is how you celebrate it”). It focuses on those small, everyday moments, simple challenges, hopes or touches of happiness which deserve to be celebrated. The strategy is in line with the company’s mission to help everybody to celebrate life’s small and big moments. It is a 360o campaign which will roll out on television, digital and social media as well as at points of sale.
With this campaign Freixenet continues to value the act of celebration, but from a new point of view, more pragmatic and closer to the consumer, based on the idea: when we don’t value the moment, it is as though we have not lived it. For the brand, all special occasions deserve to be celebrated and, in this difficult year, those small celebrations are more valuable than ever.
Those small challenges and day to day moments of happiness are more memorable if we toast them. For example when somebody liberates themselves and begins a new adventure with their flatmates, or when you meet a special person, these are moments to say: “This needs celebrating!”. The new campaign takes an optimistic view of life and of the daily situations which confront us, to highlight the way in which we celebrate them. Because, when all is said and done, “Life is how you celebrate it”.
The spot features six scenes which show different moments, and how their protagonists celebrate them with friends or family, establishing a dialogue between the narrator, the participants and the spectator which connects instantly and in a credible way with the viewer. Additionally, the positive and refreshing tone links to the festive spirit which characterises Freixenet in this campaign which seeks to touch all the public at large.
Conscious of the current situation, and following its historic tradition of mutual assistance, Freixenet will be collaborating with the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL). The company and its employees have been collaborating with Food Banks for over a decade in different strategies and joint initiatives. The brand has launched a competition on its social media to encourage users to upload how they celebrate informal and special moments in life. For every shared celebratory moment, Freixenet will make a financial contribution to FESBAL. You can participate here.
The spot will go out on television as from 4 December. It will also be present on digital platforms and on social media from today, 3 December. The campaign has been created by Havas Creative, directed by Pablo Oliveró and produced by Garage Films.
Pedro Ferrer, vice-president and CEO of Grupo Freixenet, explained “we are aware that this has been an exceptional year. The pandemic created by COVID-19 has had a major impact on all sectors, and for this reason Grupo Freixenet has decided to contribute our grain of sand by collaborating with the Food Bank”.
For her part, Gabriela Rivieccio, Marketing Director of Grupo Freixenet, has underscored: “With this campaign we want to get even closer to our customers, these are difficult times and we want to deliver optimism and happiness. We hope that they will rediscover that small, daily occurrences are there to be celebrated, and of course, and for that reason, we have developed a message which will make people smile, and in which, I am convinced, we will see our own reflection”.
In the words of Jesús Lada, Creative Director of Havas España, “to have developed the creative and strategic plan for the Freixenet campaign has been a great challenge, and we are very proud of the result. Through the performers, we hope that everybody can empathise with and understand the daily situations we have portrayed. We are living in a moment in time when the viewer is looking for something natural, transparent and honest”.