International Women’s Day at the Freixenet Group

At the Freixenet Group our story is marked by the figure of a great woman, our founder Dolores Sala Vivé. An excellent oenologist and businesswoman, she was a pioneer in wine history in the Penedès wine region and founded Freixenet in 1914 together with her husband Pere Ferrer Bosch. Dolores Sala successfully managed the company alone after the disappearance of her husband in the war and carried it forward in the difficult post-war years with talent, tenacity and initiative. An exceptional milestone for a woman at that period. A tireless worker, she was the president of the company until her last day and laid the foundations of our current world leadership. An example of entrepreneurship, improvement and modernity that today continues to inspire the hundreds of professional and committed women who are part of the Freixenet Group. We talk to some of them to discover their female trades, values and references, and to face the future challenges of women.
Judith Olivella, sales
I am part of the sales organization of Freixenet Group. I currently manage the national hotel chains. What I value most is the learning, the experience I’ve gained over the years, a good work environment, human relationships and teamwork. Working for the leading company in the cava sector has allowed me to train in the world of sparkling wines, a world I am passionate about. The most important thing for me personally is my family and health. Professionally, I consider that having a good work environment, motivation, information and good communication are fundamental tools to achieve success.
I identify myself with the values of responsibility, commitment, entrepreneurship, optimism and resilience. International Women’s Day commemorates a fact that happened at the beginning of the 20th century, although much progress has been made since then, there are still many gender differences in the social, labour and wage spheres. We must continue to fight to end the gender gap and to recognize the rights of women to achieve equality. If I had to say my female referents I would have to say that all fighter women who have broken stigmas throughout history, also, anonymous women who fight violence and discrimination every day. Brave women like Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize winner, pioneering women in all fields who have paved the way for us in this struggle. Also, without a doubt my mother: an example of courage and bravery. Dolores Sala was a bright, intelligent, enterprising, determined and very brave woman. With talent and vision, a great example!
I think that within the future challenges that we women have, it is very important to incorporate the perspective of women in all areas, education is also fundamental. We must contribute to the elimination of all discrimination. If equality of opportunity is achieved, we will leave a better world for future generations.

Núria Sànchez, IT
I am currently in charge of the Business Intelligence area, within the IT department. My job is to develop and provide different business areas with analysis and reporting solutions that facilitate decision making. Despite being a very technical job, what I value most is that it allows me to have a fairly broad view of the different areas of the company, and that makes learning continuous. In terms of values, I identify myself with respect, effort and sincerity.
About International Women’s Day, in my opinion I think the ideal situation would be not to need to have a day marked on the calendar. Having it means there is still a long way to go. The woman who could say is my reference is Ada Lovelace. Educated in mathematics and physics, she described what was considered the first algorithm capable of being interpreted by a computer. She is considered the first programmer in history. Like many pioneering women of her time, she is little known. Unfortunately, there are still few women in technology careers today.
Dolores Sala, represents a pioneering figure, as there should not be many women at the head of companies, much less in the Penedès area, also brave. I’m sure that being a woman, she had to face more than one obstacle.
The challenge for women in the future is that there is no need for an International Women’s Day, that people are considered for their value, regardless of their gender. And also, that parity ratio is not required to access public office.

Susanna Pascual, winery
I am in charge of the winery at Segura Viudas. I work together with the team of technicians and oenologists of Segura Viudas in the decision-making on the vinification and elaboration of the various products of the winery. I then carry out the instructions for the winery staff in order to achieve the objectives set by the technical team and ensure the quality of the work carried out. What I value most about my job is that I have the opportunity to work on what I love. And the most important thing for me is to work as a team, in a nice atmosphere, and to have the satisfaction of having done a good job. The values that define me are effort, tenacity, good quality and respect.
For International Women’s Day, I feel a contradiction: on the one hand sadness that we have to claim the things that men are already supposed to have, and on the other satisfaction to see that in each new generation of women grows their empowerment. My female references are Marie Curie, Jane Goodall and Ella Fitzgerald for their capacity for effort and tenacity, for their passion, dedication and altruism. Dolors Sala was an enterprising and pioneering woman.
Finally, I believe that the challenge for the future that women still have is to be able to feel fulfilled without having to ask permission. Be valued for their ability and not for prejudices or stereotypes. Women belong to no one and have the same potential as men to achieve great goals… and in some areas it is still necessary to claim this.

Yoko Sato, oenologist
My job is in the Technical Department, in the UCSA laboratory. I work to ensure the quality of existing wines and innovate to meet market demand. What I value most about my job is that I belong to a competent team with great personal qualities. I think the most important thing is to be able to trust the team. The values I identify with are gratitude, optimism and responsibility.
For me, International Women’s Day is a day of awareness about women’s rights and freedoms and I give it the same importance as other international days. The women who are references for me are all those who know how to enjoy life. Dolores Sala was a figure of great importance and I would define her as a woman with great initiative and determination. Finally, I believe that the future challenges we have are being able to expand thepresence of women in fields such as technology or robotic engineering.

Francisca Cueto, operations – Supply Chain
I have been a member of the company committee and prevention delegate since 2009. I have been a worker in the Operations Department within the Supply Chain Area for forty years. My task is to collaborate with the company in the improvement of the preventive action, combining with the work that I exert in the production lines. Of my job, what I value most is helping my colleagues and, most importantly, getting improvements for the day-to-day lives of the workers. Personally, I identify as a fighting person.
International Women’s Day for me represents a day of protest to fight for equality and the participation of women in all spheres of society. Referent women for me are Dolores Ibárruri Gómez “La Pasionaria” and Clara Campoamor. I would Dolores Sala as an enterprising, fighting and innovative woman.
Finally, I believe that the future challenges for women are to fight for equality between women and men, which does not yet exist today, and to eliminate the existing wage gap.

Mar Almirall, logistics
I am a technician in logistics and I manage the resupply of the logistics operator and the capillary distribution of much of the Iberian Peninsula. I also handle logistics processes and production forecasting for brand imports. The world of logistics is very dynamic and every day you find yourself in different situations that you have to solve and adapt to continuously. The most important thing for me is companionship and having good information to be able to make the right decisions.
Personally, I identify myself with the values of respect, responsibility, empathy and innovation. For me, International Women’s Day is a day to claim the role of women in society and fight for equality, leaving aside cultural, economic and ideological differences, but personally, I think we should fight every day for equality in every sense. My female references are, in terms of my environment, my mother because she is a very hardworking woman with a great ability to face adversity. And as for recognized people, I think a great example would be Montserrat Carulla, for her effort and perseverance to achieve their desires. Dolores Sala was a tenacious, responsible woman with a great vision for the future.
The main challenge for the future as a woman is for anyone of any gender to be treated with the same respect and to have the same opportunities to be able to access studies and an egalitarian working life, without gaps and inequalities.