The Freixenet Group lends its support to the fight against Coronavirus

The objective of the donations is to support medical centres and to recognise the work done by their professionals.
The Freixenet Group has been working assiduously since the beginning of the crisis caused by the Coronavirus (COVID -19) to confront this situation which is without precedent in our 100 year history. In this respect, we have taken all the necessary measures following the guidelines of the WHO and other health sector authorities. Our principal objective has been to protect at all times the health of our colleagues. To this end we have strived to keep going wherever possible and to maintain assurances regarding the quality of our products as well as to offer the best possible service to our customers. We have also set in place a series of solidarity initiatives to support the fight against Coronavirus.
We have donated medical effects to various medical establishments in our local area. Specifically we have distributed masks and protective clothing to the Hospital Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès and to the Casa dels Avis de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia Care Home. In addition we have donated tablets to the Novallar Mediona Care Home in order to enable virtual contact between the residents and their loved ones given their inability to have physical contact due to their confinement. In Germany, Henkell Freixenet has donated high strength alcohol for the production of 50.000 litres of disinfectant destined for Hospitals in Wiesbaden.
In addition, we have supported the admirable initiative of the Freixenet Group solidarity team, which has decided to donate the funds it has been collected in the Teaming micro-donations project to the Coronavirus cause. The company applauds this initiative and has matched that donation. The funds have been sent to the Àngel Soler Daniel Foundation, which works alongside the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona to acquire and distribute medical effects among more than 400 medical centres.
In parallel and when we are able to re-open our oeno-tourism facilities, our bodegas Freixenet and Segura Viudas will be offering free combined visits for all those who have been on the front line during the crisis. In this way, professionals from the fields of health, food, cleaning, transport or emergency services will be able to come and enjoy visits to our cellars, free of charge, on the first Saturday of every month, until the end of the year. We will also want to support and add to this initiative workers in the restaurant and hotel trades, who have especially suffered from the consequences of this situation. In addition Freixenet has also joined the Turisme Penedès initiative, and will be offering an automatic discount on its daily visits and all other oeno-tourism activities to all health sector personnel and their companions once they re-open their doors.
The principal objective of many of the measures which have been taken is to support the immense effort which health professionals are undertaking on behalf of the whole population during this pandemic, in offering them protective equipment. We wish to thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their immense efforts and fortitude, and hope that they are soon happily reunited with their families during this difficult period, in that many of them have by necessity been separated from their loved ones. At the same time, we wish to thank all those, from so many different areas of life who have found themselves on the front line, and whose lives have been turned on their heads by this crisis.
A special mention too, in these especially difficult circumstances to all of those who make the Freixenet Group tick on a day to day basis. Without the commitment and effort of each and every one of our colleagues, we would not be able to take on this crisis the way we are doing. We thank you sincerely, with all our heart for your involvement and professionalism. We also offer an immense gratitude to our suppliers for their great efforts. We live in extraordinary times, and we at Freixenet Group are working to challenge the issues with the greatest possible calm, collaboration and cooperation. We are certain that by harnessing all of our efforts, we will overcome this crisis.